Life on board

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    Cairns Restocking

    August 2024 We intending staying in Cairns for a while. There was a lot of bureaucratic documents to process as part of obtaining the visas for Indonesia. And we knew this was our last chance for a substantial restocking…

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    Planning for Indonesia

    We are looking to travel a bit further this year. Necessary items have been bought and otherwise obtained, and contact has…

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    Breakfast Muesli

    Our daily breakfast is muesli and fruit and yoghurt. The muesli we make ourselves from raw ingredients, as the nuts and…

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    Leith Hill, 1 April 2024

    On the road trip from London to Arundel, we drove up Leith Hill in Surrey. At almost 1000′ elevation, the cricket…

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    Nottingham, 30 March 2024

    40 years ago, I spent a year living in the UK at Nottingham. There, I went to school, and my friends…

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    Paris Notre Dame

    Notre Dame is a historic church in the Paris, built on an island in the Seine in the middle of the…

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    Pont Alexandre III, Paris

    We ended up at the Pont Alexandre III on both days we were in Paris. This bridge in the centre of…

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    In Seine Litter, 27 March 2024

    In so many parts of Europe, we stop and comment on the shear volume of litter that is dumped into the…

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    Eiffel Tower, 27 March 2024

    After our lunch on the river bank, we walked along the river before renting a bike to get down to the…

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    Paris Lunch, 27 March 2024

    After arriving in Paris at Gare du Nord from Amsterdam on the early Eurostar, we deposited our bags in a locker…

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    Arc de Triomphe

    We walked to the Arc de Triomphe both days we were in Paris. On both occasions we hopped onto the Metro,…

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    Olympic Constructions in Paris

    We found Paris to be a sea of construction works in preparations for the Olympic Games coming up in July. Everywhere…

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    Eurostar Amsterdam-Paris 27 March 2024

    We caught the early Eurostar train from Amsterdam Centraal to Paris Gare du Nord, arriving before lunch time. While these trains…

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